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3 Books You Should Read If You're A Millennial

I spend a lot of time listening and reading books on how to improve myself. I'm a millennial and I'm pretty much a sponge of information. I believe we can learn from every book we read but there are a few books out there that EVERY MILLENNIAL should read.


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1. QBQ - The Question Behind The Question: Practicing Personal Accountability in Work and in Life.

QBQ has been one of the best books I've ever read in my life. It's really easy to complain about others, fall into victim thinking, and procrastinate. This book helps me to fight all of these tendencies. We need more Millennials to ask correct questions instead of IQs. I read this once every six months and so should you!

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2. The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea

The Go-Giver is a great book on how to not suck and how to be successful. This book has removed a cover over my eyes of what I *thought* successful people do. Learn about your Value, Compensation, Influence, Authenticity, and Receptivity. It's a simple and quick read that's definitely worth your time.

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3. Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

Simon Sinek knows how to speak to Millennials. If there's anyone that "gets it" it's Simon. Millennials LOVE to have a purpose behind their work. As a matter of fact, we probably won't work for you for very long if we don't understand your business's purpose. In Start With Why, Simon tackles the very reasons why people buy in to something and shares examples of why having purpose is important. I can only put it one way - "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."

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4. (BONUS!) Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work That Matters

Jon Acuff is one of my favorite authors. He's has a down-to-earth style with a bunch of sarcasm that makes it an easy read and something that's understandable. In START, he delivers great motivation through humor. Start doing work that matters!


Thumbnail Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash